Monday, February 25, 2013

I need YOUR help!!

As you know, my heart is burdened for the orphans all over the world, and especially in Russia.  I know several of you who share my heart, or who at least understand why my heart would break for these children!

I have exciting news:  YOU can be part of what God wants to do in our community around the issue of the orphan crisis.  I believe that God wants more people to be aware of the crisis and ways in which they can support the orphan.  I realize that not everyone is called to adopt, but I do know that there are so many ways to be involved and to bless an orphan, even when not adopting.

So, we are planning to have an Orphan Care/Adoption Conference on November 1st and 2nd.  It will focus on educating people on the worldwide orphan crisis and how they can get involved, whether it be through adoption, sponsorship, visiting, etc.

When I say "we" I mean a handful of people I go to church with, and maybe a couple others...but we need more help!  We need help planning this event so that many will come and hear all about God's heart for the orphan!  Would you be willing to sit on a planning team to help get this event off the ground?  Would you be willing to share your adoption story on video (adoptees, adoptive parents, birthmoms)?  Would you be willing to come speak and share your expertise at the conferences?

Here are the committees we still have seats available on:
1. Logistics - sound, tech, lights, security, facility plan, etc..
2. Hospitality - food, decorations, greeting, etc.
3. Advertisement & Promotions - just what it sounds like
4. Business/Organization Sponsorships - budget planning, obtain corporate sponsors, etc.
5. Agencies/Organizations - work with agencies that will be speaking and/or will have booths
6. Prayer/Education - planning for prayer up to event, during the event, a prayer area, and the breakout sessions for the weekend.
7. Documentation/Videos - take photos, edit videos prior to event, etc.

Please let me know if you are interested in this event!  You can comment here, or email me at

Thanks for considering being a part of something so BIG!

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